How Do I Know if I Really Need a Dental Crown?

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Do I Know if I Really Need a Dental Crown

Since a dental crown is frequently the best option for prolonging a tooth’s life for many years, they are frequently advised. However, there are solutions for treating a tooth that may postpone the need for crowns. When a dentist in St. Albert proposes several crowns for the first time, you should proceed with caution. Some of us have heard the dreaded phrase at the dentist: “You need a crown.” Crowns are an excellent way to restore a tooth when a filling is insufficient; nevertheless, they are also intrusive and costly. 

However, with new procedures and technology available, top dentists can now utilize more conservative methods before considering a crown. If you want to treat a tooth without using crowns, read on to find out all you need to know about cracked tooth diagnosis.

Your smile is one of your most powerful assets, and taking care of your oral health is essential for maintaining it. Sometimes, however, dental issues arise that necessitate more than just routine care. One common solution that may be recommended is a dental crown. But how do you know if you really need one? In this guide, we’ll explore the signs that indicate a dental crown might be the right solution for you.

1. Cracked or Damaged Teeth

One of the primary reasons for getting a dental crown is to address cracked or damaged teeth. If you’ve experienced a significant fracture or your tooth has suffered from extensive decay, a crown provides structural support and protects it from further harm.

2. Large Fillings

Teeth with large fillings are susceptible to weakening over time. If a significant portion of your tooth is filled, it may be at risk of breaking. A dental crown can provide reinforcement, preventing the tooth from fracturing and restoring its strength.

3. Root Canal Treatment

After a root canal procedure, the affected tooth is more vulnerable due to the removal of the nerve and pulp. Placing a dental crown over the treated tooth helps protect it from potential fractures and ensures its longevity.

4. Cosmetic Enhancements

Dental crowns near you are not just about functionality; they can also be used for cosmetic purposes. If you have discoloured or misshapen teeth that impact your smile, crowns can be a viable solution to improve both aesthetics and function.

5. Weakened Teeth due to Grinding

Habitual teeth grinding (bruxism) can lead to weakened enamel and increased sensitivity. If you grind your teeth, your dentist may recommend a dental crown to strengthen them and protect them from further damage.

6. Large Cavities

When a cavity is too large to be effectively treated with a filling, a dental crown becomes the preferred option. Crowns provide a durable and long-lasting solution for restoring broken tooth solutions with extensive decay.

7. Replacing Missing Teeth

Dental crowns are an integral part of dental bridges and implants. If you’re missing a tooth and considering these restorative options, crowns will be used to secure the artificial tooth securely in place.


Determining whether you truly need a dental crown involves a thorough examination by your dentist. If you’re experiencing any of the mentioned issues or if you have concerns about the integrity of your teeth, consult with your dentist for a comprehensive evaluation. Remember, maintaining good oral hygiene practices and attending regular dental check-ups are crucial for preventing and addressing dental issues early on. Your smile is worth the investment, and a dental crown might be the key to preserving it for years to come.

If you have any questions, reach out to Jensen Lakes Dental.